Please read the following Rules and Regulations carefully. Universal Ballet Competition reserves the right to deduct points from or disqualify any entry or contestant that does not adhere to the Rules and Regulations.
The UBC welcomes competitors from all over the world as we are an equal opportunity organization. To be eligible to compete, dancers must be between the ages of 7-21, as of January 1 of the competition year. Dancers who are dancing or have danced professionally, bound by a contract or any length, are not permitted to compete. However, professional partners of eligible participants are permitted to compete as a non-competitive partner and must clearly state that on the competitor’s application. Dancers who attain a Trainee or Apprentice position are eligible to compete. A competitor can compete with a school or as an independent.
Age Divisions
Each entry will be placed in one of the following age groups. Ages are determined as of January 1 of 2025. Universal Ballet Competition reserves the right to request proof of age for any contestant.
*The pre-competitive division is for dancers ages 7-8. Dancers should not be performing on pointe for any entries. Pre-competitive dancers are eligible to receive overall awards and scholarships to UBC competitions and UBC Workshops. *
Pre-Competitive |
7-8 years old |
Primary Division |
9-11 years old |
Junior Division |
12-14 years old |
Senior Division |
15-21 years old |
Competition Levels
*NEW* INTERMEDIATE LEVEL is for the intermediate dancer. Suggested guidelines: dancers who have been studying for between 2 and 4 years, who take at least three technique classes a week. Intermediate level should have minimal competition experience. Intermediate level will be judged only against other intermediate level routines. This level may be awarded plaques, medals, special awards and scholarships along with other prizes.
COMPETITIVE LEVEL is for the seasoned, advanced dancers. Suggested guidelines: This level should have 5 or more years of dance training, take at least four to five technique classes a week. Competitive level dancers should have extensive competition experience and should display higher technical skills and abilities than the previous level dancers. This level may be awarded trophies, plaques, medals, cash prizes, special awards and scholarships along with other prizes.
Classical Ballet Solo | Junior and Senior competitors are required to refer to the repertoire list. Pre-Competitive & Primary competitors may or may not select off of list, but must dance age and skill appropriate choreographed “classical” pieces |
Contemporary/Lyrical Solo | Original choreography |
Ensemble (2 or more dancers – Pas de Deux, Duo/Trio) | Pas de Deux (Classical) –Required to select from repertoire list. Adagio and Coda only, Coda is NOT required. Variations are not permitted. Pas de Deux Division is open to Junior and Senior Competitors. Primary Competitive Competitors may only perform a Pas de Deux without lifts, À terre, and with soft ballet shoes. |
Depending on registration and UBC’s directors’ discretion, the Pas de Deux and Duo/Trio may be judged in separate categories.
UBC’s directors will determine, from the number of registered male competitors within an age division, whether or not males will compete with or separately from the females in a given category.
In the case of a reduction in the number of competitors within an ensemble occurring before the competition to less than the number registered, the ensemble may still compete in the time limit allotted for the original group. Please contact the UBC office immediately if this situation occurs in order to avoid deduction in scoring.
A soloist competitor can choose to enter in one or more than one solo in either the classical ballet or contemporary/lyrical categories, or both. However, the highest scoring solo for that competitor will be considered for award and placement qualification. For example, a soloist competitor will not be awarded both the 1st and 2nd placements within the same category. A competitor may also participate in one or more ensembles.
Competitors may include the use of props in their performance, however, the use of dangerous props or props that will damage the venue or harm people, such as: fire, sharp objects, knives, explosives, etc. are not permitted. Props must be brought on and off the stage by instructors and/or parents in a timely manner (60 seconds maximum).The stage must be cleaned and cleared of any debris and props must be removed from the wings immediately after the performance. Props cannot be in the lobby or any inconvenient location.
Time Limits
Solo variations | up to 2:30 min |
Pas de Deux | up to 6:00 min* |
Duo/Trio | up to 3:00 min |
Ensemble (4-7 dancers) | up to 4:00 min |
Ensemble (8 + dancers) | up to 5:00 min |
* inclusive of Adagio and Coda. If you are performing the Coda, please note that on the application.
All fees must be paid in full 8 weeks before the competition. Discounts applied cannot be combined with any other offer. In the event that entries are received within 1 week of the competition, a $10 per entry late fee will be added, if the entries were able to be added to the schedule. All entries received within 4 weeks of the competition date, must be paid by money order, cashier’s check, or credit card.
Payment may be made by credit card, cashier’s check, or money order. No personal or studio checks will be accepted. All fees are non-refundable.
No entry is guaranteed until payment has been processed. A confirmation will be sent to each studio for their records and approval. Please be sure to check that everything is correct.
Registration Fee: $30 per dancer. Competition fees are listed in the teachers portal once you register your studio you will see in the right hand section of your portal. (Studio owner will also receive an email one week after the event with the video judging comments from all judges.)
UBC Master Class
UBC’s unique scoring is based solely on the judge’s evaluation during on-stage performance. However, this is where dancers will be evaluated and considered for scholarships or company contracts. This mandatory class (for soloists and optional for ensemble dancers) is taught by a Master teacher and will provide the judges and company directors the opportunity to observe each dancer in a studio setting in order to make a well-informed decision in offering a scholarship or contract. The criteria judges and company directors look for are technique, artistry, “teachability”, and potential during the workshops as well as on stage.
Dress code for ladies: Black leotard, pink or flesh-toned ballet tights and ballet slippers.
Dress code for men: Black tights, white t-shirt, black or white ballet shoes
Adjudicated Scoring
UBC utilizes the most advanced technology available for judging and tabulation of scores. There will be three professionally qualified judges at the competition. While dancers are on stage competing, each judge will simultaneously and individually record oral critiques, comments, and encouraging remarks into our state of the art software. The tabulator will announce the level (Bronze, Silver, Gold, High Gold or UBC Platinum) in which the dancer received their score.
Each studio will receive complimentary videos of their students’ performances with each individual judge’s critiques by e-mail notification within 7 days of the competition. These videos are incredibly valuable to dancers as they learn and grow through expert advice and positive commentaries. Studio owners and teachers love these videos and use them extensively as teaching tools.
Each competitor will receive a score out of 300 possible points. Every performance is expected to be age appropriate and family friendly. Any routine that is considered by the judges to be inappropriate in UBC either dance moves, costumes, or music, will subject to disqualification.
Level | Intermediate Level | Competitive Level |
UBC Platinum | 276-300 | 282-300 |
High Gold | 265-275 | 270-281 |
Gold | 255-264 | 260-269 |
High Silver | 244-254 | 250-259 |
Silver | 228-243 | 235-249 |
Each competitor will receive a medal for their adjudicated scores. In addition, high score awards will be given to the top scores in each category within an age division. UBC reserves the right to limit awards based on number of entries in the category.
UBC judges will award outstanding competitors with cash prizes, gift certificates, summer intensive dance scholarships, professional contracts, studio tuition scholarships, dancewear, dance shoes, photo opportunities, or other special awards as available and at their discretion.
The Grand UBC Award will be presented to a dancer in the Junior age division and Senior age division who are selected by the UBC judges and deemed to have surpassed all other dancers in their division in both classical ballet and contemporary dance categories. In order to qualify for the Grand UBC Award, a soloist competitor must compete in both a classical ballet solo and contemporary/lyrical dance solo. However, a soloist competitor may choose to compete in only one category and be considered for a qualifying medal in that category. A soloist competitor may not compete against themselves.
UBC Grand Prix Finals
UBC Grand Prix Finals are open to Competitive soloists and Pas de Deux that received a high gold or UBC Platinum adjudication at one of the UBC regional events. In addition, Intermediate and Competitive Duo/Trio and Ensembles that received a high gold or UBC Platinum adjudication at a UBC regional event are also eligible to attend the Grand Prix Finals. All entries must participate and qualify at a regional event to attend the Grand Prix Finals. International participants may send a video submission to qualify for the event.
UBC uses the industry’s latest state of the art software. Each competitor will be required to provide their own music using an MP3 file and will be required to upload their music as part of their registration system.
All music must be recorded at competitor’s desired speed and cued properly at the beginning of the music. No adjustments to music can be made at the competition. Studio owners/competitors must have a backup USB readily available.
Videos and Photography
UBC will provide professional photography and video of each competitor’s performance for purchase. No personal flash photography or videotaping will be permitted inside the competition venue. If photography or videotaping is identified, UBC reserves the right to void the observer’s ticket and disqualify the competitor’s performance.
Release Agreement
By signing the Universal Ballet Competition Release Agreement, all registered competitors grant permission to Universal Ballet Competition and its representatives to publish their photographs/videos on local or national television, promotional videos, marketing materials, the internet, or any other visual media, as deemed fit by Universal Ballet Competition in an effort to promote its competitions. In addition, all representatives, staff, or kin of Universal Ballet Competition is released and held harmless from any and all claims for damages or injuries sustained while participating or attending any activity related to any and all Universal Ballet Competition events. All photographs/videos taken by Universal Ballet Competition and any independent representative commissioned by Universal Ballet Competition become the property of Universal Ballet Competition. Universal Ballet Competition reserves the right to sell said photographs/videos at competition events and online for purchase or by download.
Additional Information
Universal Ballet Competition and the venue hosting the event are not responsible for any personal injury or property loss that is suffered by anyone attending or participating in the competition. Universal Ballet Competition reserves the right, when necessary, to relocate a competition site/date/time or expand a competition to a multiple day event if necessary. All changes to original submitted entries must be in writing; no verbal requests will be honored. Changes to original entries must be received seven days before the competition event. Universal Ballet Competition reserves the rights to change, delete, or add to any rules, regulations, or policies at any time deemed necessary. Universal Ballet Competition reserves the right to cancel any event due to lack of registration, weather, or other unforeseen circumstance. If an extenuating weather or unforeseen circumstance arises and Universal Ballet Competition cancels an event and it is not rescheduled, refunds or credits for the following year will be issued. If the event is rescheduled, no refunds will be given. Should an extenuating circumstance arise, please check the website and/or your email address that you registered under for any event updates. Universal Ballet Competition requests any questions regarding schedule changes should be submitted by the Studio Directors